Tra 03 Cyclist facilities
Number of credits available | Minimum standards | Applicability | |||
Up to 2 (building type dependent) | No |
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Yes | No | No | Yes |
To encourage building users to cycle, so promoting exercise and helping reduce congestion and emissions, by ensuring adequate provision of cyclist facilities.
Assessment criteria
The following is required to demonstrate compliance:
One credit - Cycle storage (excluding sheltered housing, care homes, supported living facilities and prison building types)
- Compliant cycle storage spaces that meet the minimum levels set out in Table 38 (see Checklists and tables) are installed.
One credit - Cyclist facilities (excluding sheltered housing, care homes and supported living facilities, student residencies, key accommodation, transport hub and MOD residential and prison building types)
- Criterion 1 has been achieved.
- At least two of the following types of compliant cyclist facilities have been provided for all building users (including pupils where appropriate to the building type) - see Relevant definitions for the scope of each compliant cyclist facility:
- Showers
- Changing facilities
- Lockers
- Drying spaces .
One credit - Cycle storage and cyclist facilities (sheltered housing, care homes and supported living facilities and prison building types only)
- Where criteria 1 to 3 have been met for cycle space and cycle facilities requirements.
Checklists and tables
Table 38 Cycle storage criteria for each building type
Building type | No. spaces per unit of measure | Unit of measure | Notes |
Commercial | |||
Offices, Industrial | 1 | 10 staff | None |
Retail | |||
Large retail | 1 | 10 staff | The number of staff should be the maximum number using the building at any time/shift. The staff spaces must be provided in addition to customer spaces. While they do not need to be separate from customer spaces, this is encouraged. This is subject to providing a minimum of 10 cycle customer spaces. Any retail development that provides at least 50 customer cycle storage spaces will comply regardless of the number of parking spaces. |
1 |
20 public car parking spaces |
Small retail | 10 | Total | The spaces must be publicly accessible within the proximity of a main building entrance. Compliant cyclist facilities are intended for staff only i.e. it is not a requirement of compliance to provide facilities for customers. |
Education | |||
Pre-school or crèche | 1 | 10 staff | None |
Primary school | 5 | Per form or class in year group | For example: where a primary school has been designed to accommodate three classes per year, a total of 15 compliant cycle storage spaces are provided for the whole school. Where there are varying numbers of forms/classes per year, the calculation must be based on the year with the greatest number of classes/forms. |
Secondary schools and sixth form, Further and Higher education (FE and HE) | 1 | 10 staff & pupils/students total | FE/HE: student numbers must account for both under- and post-graduates, as well as PhD students and Post-Doctorates. |
Healthcare | |||
All healthcare building types | 1 | 10 staff | Unit of measure: use the measure which is the largest for the building type e.g. if hospital then use beds, if GP surgery then use consulting rooms. The requirement for consulting rooms/beds is subject to a minimum of four compliant cycle storage spaces being provided. |
1 |
2 consulting rooms OR 10 beds |
Courts and Prisons | |||
Prison establishment located building | 1 | 10 staff | Only one credit available with the provision of two cyclist facilities. |
Law Court | 1 | 10 building occupants (staff and visitors) | None |
Multi-residential | |||
Student residences, key worker accommodation | 1 | 10 staff | The requirement is subject to a minimum of one compliant space being provided. |
1 |
2 residents |
Sheltered housing, Care homes, Supported living facility | 1 | 10 staff | * Or spaces specified in accordance with the number required as identified by the likely resident profile. Where the resident profile is not the elderly or physically disabled or impaired then, where appropriate, the requirement for wheelchair or electric buggy spaces should be changed to compliant cycle spaces. |
1 compliant wheelchair or electric buggy storage spaces |
10 residents* |
Other buildings | |||
Type 1* | Use the criteria defined for office buildings. | ||
Type 2* | 1 | 10 staff | None |
1 |
10 visitors or beds |
Type 3* | 1 | 20 staff | A single credit can be awarded where spaces for staff only are provided as well as the appropriate compliant cyclist facilities. The Compliance note allowing a reduction to the cyclist provision in rural locations has been accounted for in the unit of measure for this transport type. It should not therefore be applied again. |
1 |
20 building visitors/beds |
Transport hubs | 1 | 10 public users | Apply the sliding scale (as per compliance note) to a maximum of 5000 daily public users. Public users refer to regular peak time users of the service who start and/or finish their public transport journey at the assessed building. |
MOD non-residential | 1 | 10 living-out personnel | These criteria apply to MOD buildings where the majority of personnel live off-site. |
MOD residential | 1 | 2 residents | None |
Note : Where the number of building users (based upon the unit of measure) exceeds 200 the sliding scale of compliance can be used to identify the appropriate number of cycle spaces required (see Methodology section). |
* See relevant definitions in the BREEAM issue Tra 01 Sustainable transport solutions for classification of Other buildings - type 1, 2 and 3.
Compliance notes
Terms |
Description |
Applicable assessment criteria | ||
CN1 |
Part 1: Fabric and structure | Infrastructure to allow the future installation of the relevant services e.g. capped water supply, service or ventilation ducts, drainage, etc. should be provided. |
CN2 |
Part 2: Core services | Not applicable |
CN3 |
Part 3: Local services | Not applicable |
CN4 |
Part 4: Interior design | All assessment criteria are applicable |
Simple buildings | ||
CN5 |
Applicable assessment criteria | All criteria relevant to the building type and function apply. |
CN6 |
Use of local compliant cycle storage | For all buildings which form part of a larger site, use of existing local BREEAM compliant cycle storage space is acceptable. |
CN7 |
Compliant cyclist facilities and non-compliant local storage spaces | Where the assessed building has compliant cyclist facilities, plus access to some local cycle storage spaces that are not BREEAM compliant, one credit can still be awarded. |
CN8 |
Compliant cycle spaces but no cyclist facilities | Where the assessed building meets the minimum number of compliant cycle spaces required for two credits, but does not have or meet the minimum provision for compliant cyclist facilities, then one credit can be awarded. |
General | ||
CN9 |
Part 1 assessments |
Cycle parking must be provided as part of the base-build for all assessment types. Where compliance is sought for additional cyclists’ facilities, the developer should provide all aspects of the installation which fall within the scope of their work and facilitate the future completion of any aspects which do not. For Part 1 assessments, if additional facilities, such as showers and drying space, are not provided in core areas and internal walls are not provided to tenanted areas, these must be indicated on design drawings and all relevant services provided. This would include capped-off supplies and electrical points as necessary in order to facilitate the completion of the compliant facilities by the tenant. |
CN10 |
Existing/new site-wide facilities | For assessments of refurbishment or fit-out projects on an existing site where there are existing shared compliant facilities, compliance needs to be demonstrated on a site-wide basis. The number of compliant facilities must be large enough to cater for the building occupants of the assessed building, in addition to the occupants of any existing or new buildings that will share those facilities. |
CN11 |
Building locations with a high level of public transport accessibility | For sites where at least 50% of the available BREEAM credits for the Accessibility Index under the Sustainable transport solutions (Tra 01) criteria 1 and 2 have been awarded (rounded to the nearest whole credit), the number of compliant cycle spaces required in Table 38 can be reduced by 50%. This reduction will also reduce the requirement for compliant showers or lockers by the same margin for most building types by default, since the calculation is based on the number of cycle storage spaces. Building types where the number of required showers/lockers is not based on cycle storage provision can reduce the actual requirement for compliant showers/lockers by 50%. |
CN12 |
Rural locations |
For sites in rural locations the following can be applied;
This reduction will also reduce the requirement for compliant shower/lockers by the same margin for most building types by default, since the calculation is based on the number of cycle storage spaces. Building types where the number of required showers/lockers is not based on cycle storage provision can reduce the actual requirement for compliant showers/lockers by 50%, 70% or 90% as appropriate. A percentage reduction in this context cannot be applied in addition to the 50% reduction due to the building's Public Transport Accessibility level (as described in the Compliance note above). The definition of a rural location (and urban location) can be found in the BREEAM issue Tra 01 Sustainable transport solutions – Additional information. |
CN13 |
Number of building occupants unknown |
If it is not possible to confirm the number of building occupants commuting to the building, e.g. speculative refurbishment projects, then the default occupancy rates given in Tra 04 Maximum car parking capacity – Table 40 can be used to determine a default number of users. Alternatively, the number of building occupants in an existing building of similar type and size can be used (the assessor must justify/validate the number used in their certification report). |
CN14 |
Existing cycle storage spaces | Existing cycle storage spaces can be used to support the number of cycle spaces required as part of the cycle storage criteria. However, cyclist facilities must be BREEAM compliant to be considered. All existing cycle storage must be conveniently located and accessible to all appropriate building users. |
CN15 |
Provision of cyclist facilities independent of compliant cycle storage |
One credit is available for the provision of compliant cyclist facilities if sufficient existing spaces are available in the local area when no new cyclist storage spaces are being provided. |
CN16 |
Compliant cyclist facilities in common areas |
Compliant cyclist storage spaces and facilities in common areas can be included within the assessment assuming it can be demonstrate that they support all building users that have access to the common space including elements of the building outside of the scope of the assessment. |
Building type specific | ||
CN17 |
Education (schools only): Compliant showers - additional requirements See criterion 3. |
In the case of a pre-school or primary school, shower provision is for staff only and set at a rate of one shower for every 10 cycle storage spaces provided (subject to a minimum of one shower being provided). For example, where a primary school has been designed to accommodate three classes per year, a total of 15 compliant spaces are required to meet the BREEAM criteria for cycle storage, and therefore two showers for staff use would be required for compliance with the cycle facilities criterion. In secondary schools (and sixth forms) where there are less than 100 pupils, a minimum of two showers must be provided for pupils with one male and one female shower (where applicable). A minimum of one shower for staff should be provided in all cases. |
CN18 |
Sheltered housing or care homes and supported living facilities, see criterion 4. |
Compliant wheelchair and buggy storage facilities are those that meet the following:
CN19 |
Residential buildings with transient visitors such as hotels, hostels and training centres |
The unit of measure for visitors or beds does not apply in residential buildings with transient visitors, e.g. hotels, hostels, training centres where the visitor typically resides for less than one month. For a secure accommodation unit compliance should be based on visitors (not beds). In this case, cyclist facilities for staff must be accessible to all building users to ensure that visitors and patients/community members that will travel to and use or work within the building are provided for. |
Sliding scale of compliance
To recognise the increased confidence in availability that occurs where there is larger scale provision of facilities, it is acceptable to reduce the provision requirement for building users by increasing the standard unit of measure (defined in Table 38 ) and potentially the provision of cyclist facilities on a sliding scale as follows:
- For buildings with more than 200 users but less than 300, the unit of measure can be increased by a ratio of 1.5.
- For buildings with more than 300 users but less than 400, the unit of measure can be increased by a ratio of 2.
- For buildings with more than 400 users, the unit of measure can be increased by a ratio of 2.5.
For example, an office building with 800 users would be required to provide the following number of cycle storage spaces:
- 1-200 users @ 1 space per 10 users = 20 spaces
- 201-300 users @ 1 space per 15 users (standard unit of measure x 1.5) = 7 spaces
- 301-400 users @ 1 space per 20 users (standard unit of measure x 2) = 5 spaces
- 401+ users @ 1 space per 25 users (standard unit of measure x 2.5) = 16 spaces
- Total compliant cycle storage spaces required = 48 spaces
The sliding scale of compliance does not apply to the following building types: small and large retail, primary schools, multi-residential buildings and MOD residential buildings.
Minimum cycle storage provision
Where the calculated number of required cycle storage spaces is less than four, total provision should be based on the lower of the following:
- A minimum of four compliant storage spaces must be provided OR
- One space per user (staff and where appropriate other user groups).
Provision of cycle storage and facilities on site with multiple buildings
Where a new or in-fill building is constructed on an existing site, or multiple new buildings are to be constructed on the same site, compliance with this issue may be assessed based on the stand-alone building or on a site-wide basis. How this is determined depends on the configuration of the proposed cycle storage, cycle facilities and the interpretation and justification of the assessor.
Stand alone approach
Where cycle storage and associated facilities are being provided for the assessed building only, the following applies:
Cyclist storage:
- The number of cycle storage spaces is compliant based on the number of users in the assessed building.
- All storage spaces provided must be BREEAM compliant and these must be located within, or in close proximity to the assessed building. It is clear from access arrangements, demarcation and positioning that the cycle storage provided is clearly associated with the assessed building only.
- The sliding scale of compliance can be applied when determining the number of storage spaces required.
Cyclist facilities:
- All new and existing facilities may be included provided they are BREEAM compliant.
- Facilities should be located within the assessed building, or in an accessible adjacent building and for the sole use of the assessed building’s users.
Site-wide approach
Where cycle storage and associated facilities are provided and these would be accessible to all users of the entire site, or where there is a distinct group of local buildings within a site that would share facilities, the following applies:
Cyclist storage:
- The number of cycle storage spaces is compliant based on the number of users on site or within a group of local buildings.
- All new storage spaces must be BREEAM compliant. Existing storage spaces may also be counted, provided they allow bikes to be easily stored and removed with the ability to be locked securely against a fixed structure.
- The sliding scale of compliance can be applied when determining the number of storage spaces required.
Cyclist facilities:
- The number of cyclist facilities is compliant based on the number of users on site who would be able to use these facilities.
- Cyclist facilities may be located anywhere on site. However, the path that cyclists must take to access the nearest cycle storage, cyclist facilities and building entrance(s) must be no greater than 500m via a safe and convenient route, as measured from the first to the last point on the route. Where possible, different types of cyclist facilities should be grouped together in designated areas for ease of access and use.
- All new and existing facilities may be included provided they are BREEAM compliant and conform to the 500m requirement above.
Combination of the two approaches
A mixture of the two approaches can be applied where cycle storage is delivered as a site wide approach and facilities are being met for the assessed building only. However, a mixed approach cannot be applied where facilities are delivered as a site wide approach and storage spaces are being met for the assessed building only.
Criteria | Interim design stage | Final post construction stage |
All |
One or more of the appropriate evidence types listed in The BREEAM evidential requirements section can be used to demonstrate compliance with these criteria. |
Additional information
Relevant definitions
- Additional building type classifications
- See Relevant definitions in the BREEAM issue Tra 01 Sustainable transport solutions for classification of Other buildings - Type 1, 2 and 3
- Compliant cycle storage spaces
- Compliant cycle storage spaces are defined as those that meet the following:
- Cycles can be secured within spaces in rack(s).They are covered overhead and the cycle racks are set in or fixed to a permanent structure (building or hardstanding). Alternatively the cycle storage may be located in a locked structure fixed to, or part of, a permanent structure with appropriate surveillance.
- The distance between each cycle rack, and cycle racks and other obstructions, e.g. a wall, allows for appropriate access to the cycle storage space to enable bikes to be easily stored and accessed.
- The storage facility or entrance to the facility is in a prominent site location that is viewable or overlooked from either an occupied building or a main access to a building. In the scenario where cycle storage spaces are within the building, prominent signage should be provided to advertise their location to building users and cyclists.
- The cycle storage facility has adequate lighting; this could be demonstrated with the lighting criteria defined in BREEAM issue Hea 01 Visual comfort. The lighting must be controlled to avoid out-of-hours use and operation during daylight hours, where there is sufficient daylight in or around the facility.
- Compliant showers
- Compliant showers are defined as those that meet the following:
- Provision of one shower for every 10 cycle storage spaces, subject to a minimum provision of one shower.
- Any building providing eight showers or more will comply regardless of the number of cycle storage spaces provided.
- Both male and female users must be catered for, i.e. either separate showers within shared gender-specific facilities (required provision split 50-50) or single shower cubicles and changing space for mixed use.
- The showers do not need to be dedicated to cyclists and can be those shared with other users/uses.
- Compliant changing facilities
- Compliant changing facilities are defined as those that meet the following:
- Appropriately sized for the likely or required number of users. The assessor should use their judgement to determine whether the changing area is appropriately sized given the number of cycle storage spaces or showers provided.
- Account for privacy to allow cyclists of either gender to change in private.
- Changing areas must include adequate space and facilities to hang or store clothing and equipment while changing or showering, e.g. bench seat or hooks.
- Toilet or shower cubicles cannot be counted as changing facilities.
- Compliant lockers
- Compliant lockers are defined as those that meet the following:
- The number of lockers is at least equal to the number of cycle spaces required.
- Lockers are either in, or adjacent to, compliant changing rooms, where provided.
- The lockers are sized appropriately for the storage of a cyclist's equipment.
- Compliant drying spaces
- A compliant drying space is defined as a space that is specifically designed and designated for this purpose. it should be provided with suitable finishes, adequate heating and ventilation and the facility to hang wet clothes with sufficient air movement around them to dry effectively.
- Examples of non-compliant spaces:
- Plant rooms: these are not specifically designed for the purpose and their use as a drying space may create a health and safety hazard.
- Coat hooks in cloakrooms or staff changing areas: these are not specifically designed and are unlikely to provide adequate ventilation or allow sufficient air movement to dry clothing effectively.
- Small retail type
- Includes smaller retail units/shops that may form part of a wider retail/business district, city or town centre or mixed use sites, and typically do not have the scope to provide their own dedicated cyclist facilities.
- Large retail type
- Includes large retail developments, such as shopping centres, retail parks and supermarkets, which typically will have covered or uncovered parking, or external areas, and therefore scope to provide their own dedicated cyclist facilities.
Other information