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Wat 04 Water efficient equipment


Fully fitted

Not applicable

Simple building


Shell & core


Shell only

No minimum standards

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To reduce water consumption for uses not assessed under Wat 01 by encouraging specification of water efficient equipment.

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Water consumption associated with non-domestic scale, non-sanitary water uses can be very significant depending on the building type and relevant uses. Industrial processes and other project-specific processes do not always require water to be treated to potable quality. Therefore there is scope to adopt more imaginative solutions to meeting this demand through alternative sources, reuse or recycling solutions which are often project specific.

With the predicted higher climatic temperatures and drier summers, the need for irrigation is likely to increase in the UK, impacting on our ability as a society to provide adequate water supplies at a reasonable cost.

Therefore, there is a need to address these types of water uses, encouraging reductions in potable water consumption.