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Hea 06 Security


Fully fitted


Simple building


Shell & core


Shell only

No minimum standards

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To encourage the planning and implementation of effective measures that provide an appropriate level of security to the building and site.

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Feelings of safety and security are essential to successful, sustainable communities. Freedom from crime and the fear of crime has a major impact on quality of life, and therefore effects the wellbeing and productivity of building occupants.

Security risks are dependent on the context of a building and, as a result, need to be specifically determined based on a number of variables including function and location. In addition to this, security risks are not static and can change over time. Therefore consultation with the appropriate professionals is essential in determining the necessary security measures for any development.

Through consultation with a suitably qualified security specialist (SQSS), site-specific recommendations can be made to improve the security of the site. This creates a safer and more secure environment that reduces the fear of and risk of crime. This supports the physical and mental wellbeing of building users, and the protection of property and business.